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Old Rant

January 11th, 1999

Annoying Things

  For this rant I've decided to just make a list of various things that annoy me to some extent. There's probably others, but I'm lazy - isn't that annoying??

  • People I can't work out.
  • People who won't shut up.
  • People who won't say anything.
  • Scantily clad old people.
  • When my ISP chucks a wobbly.
  • When my satelite TV decoder chucks a wobbly.
  • Foxtel satelite and the raw deal you get in comparison with Foxtel cable.
  • Computer or household electrical equipment that I need to read the manual for.
  • Children in banks, post offices and shopping centres whose parents let run riot.
  • Idiots that climb fences and ignore signs which have been put there for their safety.
  • Tailgaters.
  • Salespeople in stores who hover around you everytime you're just having a look, but can't be found when you actually need them.
  • Telemarketers.
  • Ads for Microsoft.
  • Microsoft products.
  • Microsoft.
  • Ads which state the blatantly untrue/ridiculous.
  • Current affair style TV shows that tackle issues such as "I can't get a job after doing my bachelor of arts degree".
  • Lifestyle programmes that have handy hints like "stick a bit of velcro to your TV and remote, and you'll never lose your remote again!".
  • Peugeots.
  • FSM Nikis.
  • Ssangyong Mussos with Mercedes badges.
  • Hyundais and Daewoos with body kits.
  • Car badges that have been painted gold (not as bad if it wasn't an after-market alteration).
  • Journalists who don't know the right instances to use "it's/its" or "there/they're/their" (plus other similar mix ups and spelling errors). I'm sorry, but if you write for a living I think you should be able to spell. Granted, I can understand a typo now and then.
  • Psuedo-experts on all sorts of matters that don't know squat about what they're talking about.

Copyright � January 11th, 1999.
Opinions expressed here are purely those of Adam Smolarczyk.